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Sandler Training | Chattanooga, TN | (423) 702-5579

Stu Lewis

Reason #1- As we all know, those in sales and business development often take NO personally. Somehow when they hear, “Please send me a proposal” it might be the most positive thing that salesperson has heard in a long time. I’m one step closer to landing a deal, a new client or repeat business. Awesome! At least it was not a no. Reason #2 - For some, working on a proposal is a way to creatively avoid the activity that they dislike the most, prospecting. “Ah, a break from all the stalls and objections; I have to put a proposal together today” is sometimes code for, “I don't have to prospect today.” Reason #3 - The company culture or management supports or rewards this type of behavior...either in some monetary way or verbally encouraging way. "Hey nice job in getting XYZ to send us a request for proposal...we have been trying to crack their lineup for years." Reason #4 - There are some who believe in the old adage of "if at first you don't succeed try, try, again…" Heck I remember...